Business of Gaming

In addition to the core of game design and development, it is important to educate our professionals on the business behind games. With the rise of independent developers it’s even more important for all students in game programs to have at least a cursory understanding of the business of games.

Return on Investment on any game as a product for end consumer is one aspect. From a gamification perspective, it is important to measure financial impact of games on the key objectives and performance indicators of an organization.

Basic principles of Sales and Marketing sit at the core of going to market with a game. Industrial applications of gamification in immersive learning, sales, well-being and leadership development need to be further explored and experimented with.

The economics of the game industry – how games are funded, marketed and sold, and the
relationships among publishers, developers, distributors, marketers, retailers, and other kinds of
companies are addressed here. Market and industry trends, licensing management, the dynamics of company and product value, and business differences between major game platforms are all important aspects of the business of gaming. Social and governmental forces that impact the legislation and regulation of game content are included here.

Data privacy, intellectual property rights and copyrights, business laws and ethics should be given proper weightage in the business education.

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