Books & Articles

Alonso, Víctor. 2014. “New Challenges in Interactive Media Localization Projects”.

In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 269-285. Bern: Peter Lang.

Bartelt-Krantz, Michaela. 2011. “Game Localization Management: Balancing

linguistic quality and financial efficiency”. TRANS. Revista de Traductología 15. Special issue on games localization, 83-88.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2006. “On the Translation of Video Games.” Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 6: 22–36. issue06/art_bernal.php.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2007. “Challenges in the Translation of Video Games.” Tradumàtica. 5: Localització de videojocs [Game Localisation]: 1–7.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2008a. “What’s in a Game?” Localization Focus: The International Journal of Localization 6 (1): 29–38.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2008b. “Training Translators for the Video Game Industry.” In The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation, Jorge Díaz-Cintas (ed.), 141–155. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2008c. “Creativity in the Translation of Video Games.” Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis literaris XIII: 71–84.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel. 2009. “Video Games and Children’s Books in Translation.” Jostrans: Journal of Specialised Translation 11: 234–247.


Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. (ed.). 2011. TRANS. Revista de Traductología 15. Special issue on games localization.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2011. “A Brief History of Game Localisation”. TRANS. Revista de Traductología 15. Special issue on games localization, 11-17.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2012b. “Working with Translators”. In The Game Localization Handbook (2nd ed.) by Heather M. Chandler and Stephanie O’Malley Deming, 107-118.  Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2015. Translation and localisation in video games: Making entertainment software global. New York: Routledge.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2016a. “Glocalization and Co-Creation: Trends in International Game Production”. In Media Across Borders: Localizing TV, Film, and Video Games, by Iain Robert Smith, Andrea Esser and Miguel Ángel Bernal-Merino (eds.), 202-220. New York: Routledge.

Bernal-Merino, Miguel Ángel. 2016b. “Creating felicitous gaming experiences: Semiotics and Pragmatics as tools for video game localisation”. Signata, Annales de Sémiotiques 7, 231-253. Université de Liège.

Carlson, Rebecca and Jonathan Corliss. 2011. “Imagined Commodities: Video Game Localization and Mythologies of Cultural Difference”. Games and Culture 6 (1): 61–82.

Carreira, Oliver and Eugenia Arrés. 2014. “Video Game Localisation Training on Offer in Spanish Universities at Undergraduate Level”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 243- 268. Bern: Peter Lang.

Chandler, Heather M. 2005. The Game Localization Handbook. Hingham, Massachusetts: Charles River Media.

Chandler, Heather M. and Stephanie O’Malley Deming. 2012. The Game Localization Handbook (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Consalvo, Mia. 2006. “Console Video Games and Global Corporations: Creating a Hybrid Culture.” New Media & Society 8 (1): 117–137.

Christou, Chris, Jenny McKearney and Ryan Warden. 2011. “Enabling the Localization of Large Role-Playing Games”. TRANS. Revista de Traductología 15. Special issue on games localization, 39-51.

Crosignani, Simone and Fabio Ravetto. 2011. “Localizing the Buzz! Game Series

(Or how to successfully implement transcreation in a multi-million seller video game)”. TRANS. Revista de Traductología 15. Special issue on games localization, 29-38.

Czech, Dawid. 2013. “Challenges in video game localization: An integrated perspective”. Explorations: A Journal of Language and Literature. Vol. 1, 3- 25. An_integrated_perspective

Darolle, Katrine. (September, 2004). “Challenges in Videogames Localization”. LISA Newsletter Global Insider, XIII, 3.3

Díaz Montón, Diana. 2007. “It’s a Funny Game.” The Linguist 46 (3).

Dietz, Frank. 1999. “Beyond PacMan: Translating for the Computer Game Industry.” ATA Chronicle 28 (9): 57.

Dietz, Frank. 2006. “Issues in Localizing Computer Games.” In Perspectives in Localization, Keiran J. Dunne (ed.), 121–134. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Dietz, Frank. 2007. “How Difficult Can That Be? The Work of Computer and Video Game Localization.” Tradumàtica 5: Localització de videojocs [Game Localisation], 1-6.

Dietz, Frank. 2008. “More than Beeps and Blasts: Computer Game Localization and Literary Translation.” ATA Source – ATA Newsletter of the Literary Division 43: 7–10.

Di Marco, Francesca. 2007 . “Cultural Localization: Orientation and Disorientation in Japanese Video Games.” Tradumàtica 5: Localització videojocs [Game Localisation], 1-8.

Dong, Luo and Carme Mangiron. 2018. “Journey to the East: Cultural adaptation of video games for the Chinese market”. JoSTRANS, 29, 149-168.

Edwards, Kate. 2011. “Culturalization: The Geopolitical and Cultural Dimension

of Game Content”. TRANS. Revista de Traductología 15. Special issue on games localization, 19-28.

Edwards, Kate. 2012. “Culturalization of Game Content”. In The Game Localization Handbook (2nd ed.) by Heather M. Chandler and Stephanie O’Malley Deming,   

         19-33. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Edwards, Kate. 2012. “Beyond Localization: An Overview of Game Culturalization”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 287-303. Bern: Peter Lang.

Fernández-Costales, Alberto. 2012. “Exploring Translation Strategies in Video Game Localization.” Monographs in Translation and Interpreting (MONTI) 4: 385– 408.

Fernández Costales, Alberto. 2014a. “Translating Fun for All: Promoting Accessibility in Video Games”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 45-66. Bern: Peter Lang.

Fernández Costales, Alberto. 2014b. “Video game localisation: adapting superheroes to different cultures.” Quaderns: revista de traducció 21: 225-239. pdf

Fernández Costales, Alberto. 2016. “Analyzing Player’s Perception on the Translation of Video Games”. In Media Across Borders: Localizing TV, Film, and Video Games, by Iain Robert Smith, Andrea Esser and Miguel Ángel Bernal-Merino (eds.), 183-201. New York: Routledge.

Fernández Costales, Alberto. 2017. “On the Sociolinguistics of Video Game Locasilation: Localising Games into Minority Languages in Spain”. JIAL 4: 2, 120-140.

Grammenos, Dimitris. 2014. “From Game Accessibility to Universally Accessible Games”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 21-43. Bern: Peter Lang.

Granell, Ximo. 2011. “Teaching Video Game Localization in Audiovisual Translation Courses at University.” Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 16: 185–202.

Heimburg, Eric. 2006. “Localizing MMORPGs.” In Perspectives in Localization, Keiran Dunne (ed.), 135–154. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Honeywood, Richard, and Jon Fung. 2012. Best Practices for Game Localization. 26230

Jayemanne, Darshana. 2009. “Generations and Game Localization. An Interview with Alexander O. Smith, Steven Anderson and Matthew Alt”. The Journal for Computer Game Culture 3 (2): 135–147.

Kehoe, Barry and David Hickey. 2006. “Games Localization.” Localization Focus 5: 27–29. 006.pdf

Lepre, Ornella. 2014. “Divided by Language, United by Gameplay: An Example of Ludological Game Localization”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 111-128. Bern: Peter Lang.

Liubinienė, Vilmantė, and Vaida Šiaučiūnė. 2011. “Video Game Localization: the Analysis of In-Game Texts.” Kalbų Studijos 19: 46-55.

Mandiberg, Stephen. 2012. “Translation and/as Interface.” Loading… 6.10: 53-70.

Mandiberg, Stephen. 2014. “Games, Localization and Diaspora”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan (eds).,  217-242. Bern: Peter Lang.

Mandiberg, Stephen. 2017. Fallacies of game localization: Censorship and #TorrentialDownpour. JIAL 4:2, 141 – 161.

Mangiron, Carme. 2004. “Localizing Final Fantasy: Bringing Fantasy to Reality.” LISA Newsletter 13, 1.3. bringing_fantas.html.

Mangiron, Carme. 2006. “Video Game Localization: Posing New Challenges to the Translator.” Perspectives 14 (4): 306–317.

Mangiron, Carme. 2012b. “The Localisation of Japanese Video Games: Striking the Right Balance”. JIAL: The Journal of Internationalisation and Localisation, II, 1-21.

Mangiron, Carmen. 2012c. “Subtitling in Game Localization: A Descriptive Study”. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 21 (1): 42–56.

Mangiron, Carme. 2016a. “Reception of game subtitles: an empirical study”. The Translator 22 (1): 72-93.

Mangiron, Carme. 2016b.  “L’ús del català en l’ambit dels videojocs. [The use of Catalan language in the video game industry]”. Treballs de sociolingüistica catalana, 26, 13-26.

Mangiron, Carme. 2016c.  “Games Without Borders: The Cultural Dimension of Game Localization”. Hermeneus, 18, 187-208

Mangiron, Carme. 2017. “Research in game localisation: An overview”. JIAL 4: 2, 74-99.

Mangiron, Carme and Minako O’Hagan. 2006. “Game Localization: Unleashing Imagination with ‘Restricted’ Translation.” Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 6: 10–21.

Mangiron, Carme, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan (ed.) (2014). Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games and Virtual Worlds. Bern: Peter Lang.

Müller Galhardi, Rafael. 2012. “Video Game and Fan Translation: A Case Study of Chrono Trigger”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 175-195. Bern: Peter Lang.

Muñoz-Sánchez, Pablo. 2009. “Video Game Localization for Fans by Fans: The Case of Rom Hacking.” The Journal of Internationalization and Localization 1 (1): 168–185.

Muñoz-Sánchez, Pablo, and Rafael López Sánchez. (2016). “The ins and outs of the video game localization process for mobile devices”, Tradumàtica, 14, 16-35.

Ng, Benjamin Wai-ming. 2006. “Street Fighter and The King of Fighters in Hong Kong: A Study of Cultural Consumption and Localization of Japanese Games in an Asian Context.” Game Studies 6 (1).

O’Hagan, Minako. 2007. “Video Games as a New Domain for Translation Research:

From Translating Text to Translating Experience”. Tradumàtica 5: Localització de videojocs [Game localisation], 1-7.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2008. “Fan Translation Networks: An Accidental Translator Training Environment?” In Translator and Interpreter Training: Issues, Methods and Debates, John Kearns (ed.), 158–183. London: Continuum.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2009a. “Towards a Cross-cultural Game Design: An Explorative Study in Understanding the Player Experience of a Localized Japanese Video Game.” Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 11: 211–233.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2009b. “Evolution of User-generated Translation: Fansubs, Translation Hacking and Crowdsourcing”. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization 1 (1): 94–121.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2009c. “Putting Pleasure First: Localizing Japanese Video Games”. TTR – Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction: Special issue: La Traduction au Japon / Translation in Japan 22 (1): 147–165.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2012a. “Transcreating Japanese Video Games: Exploring a Future Direction for Translation Studies in Japan.” In Translation Studies in Japanese Contexts, by Nana Sato- Rossberg and Judy Wakabayashi, eds., 183–201. London: Continuum.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2012b. “Translation as the new game in the digital era”. Translation Spaces 1: 123–141.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2015. “Game localisation as software-mediated cultural experience: Shedding light on the changing role of translation in intercultural communication in the digital age.” Multilingua 34(6), 747-771.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2016. “Game Localisation as Emotion Engineering: Methodological Exploration”. In Conflict and Communication: A Changing Asia in a Globalising World, by Minako O’Hagan and Qi Zhang, eds., 81-102.   New York: Nova.

O’Hagan, Minako. 2017. “Seeking delocalization: Fan community and game localization in the age of user empowerment”. JIAL 4:2, 183-202.

O’Hagan, Minako, and Heather Chandler. 2016. “Game localization research and translation studies: Loss and gain under an interdisciplinary lense.” In Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines, by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer, 309-330. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

O’Hagan, Minako, and Carmen Mangiron. 2004. “Games Localization: When ‘Arigato Gets Lost in Translation.” In Proceedings of New Zealand Game Developers Conference Fuse 2004, 57–62. Dunedin: University of Otago.

O’Hagan, Minako, and Carmen Mangiron. 2013. Game Localization: Translating for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pettini, Silvia. (2017). “Translating literature into playability: The case of Dante’s Inferno”. JIAL 4:2, 100-119.

Ranford, Aiden. (2017). “Targeted translation: How game translations are used to meet market expectations”. JIAL 4:2, 141-161.

Ranyard, Dave, and Vanessa Wood. 2009. “Interview with Miguel Bernal-Merino”. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 11. sue11/int_sony_ent.php

Sajna, Mateusz. 2013. “Translation of video games and films–a comparative analysis of selected technical problems.” Homo Ludens 1 (5): 219-232. %20Translation%20of%20video%20games%20and%20films%20- %20a%20comparative%20analysis%20of%20selected%20technical%20probl ems.pdf

Schules, Douglas. 2012. “When Language Goes Bad: Localization’s Effect on the Gameplay of Japanese RPGs.” In Dungeons, Dragons, and Digital Denizens: Digital Role-Playing game, by Gerald A. Voorhees, Joshua Call and Katie Whitlock, eds., 88–112. New York and London: Continuum.

Tarquini, Gianna. 2014a. “Translating the Onscreen Text Blindfolded: Possibilities and Impossibilities”. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 149-173. Bern: Peter Lang.

Tarquini, Gianna. 2014b. “Playing Cinematics: Traditional AVT Modes in a New Audiovisual Landscape”. inTRAlinea Special Issue: Across Screens Across Boundaries, 1-9.

Thayer, Aexander, and Beth E. Kolko. 2004. “Localization of Digital Games: The Process of Blending for the Global Games Market.” Technical Communication 51 (4): 477–488.

Trainor, Helen. 2003. “Games Localization: production and testing”. Multilingual Computing and Technology, 14 (5), 17-20.

Timiani Grant, Flavia. 2001. “A Leisure Industry but a Serious Business”. Language International 13 (5): 16–19.

Van Oers, Annelies. 2014. “Translation Strategies and Video Game Translation: A Case Study of Beyond Good and Evil“. In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 129-148. Bern: Peter Lang.

Zhang, Xiaochun. 2012. “Censorship and Digital Games Localization in China”. Meta: Journal des traducteurs / Translators’ Journal, vol 57, 338-350.

Zhang, Xiaochun. 2014. “Terminology Management in Video Game Localisation”.

In Fun for All: Translation and Accessibility Practices in Video Games, by Carme Mangiron, Pilar Orero and Minako O’Hagan, eds., 197-215. Bern: Peter Lang.

Zhou, Ping. 2011. “Managing the Challenges of Game Localization”. In Translation and Localization Project Management: The Art of the Possible, Keiran Dunne and Elina Dunne, eds., 349–378. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


With Many Thanks to Carme Mangiron

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